Shift kits – cleaning brush kits

Shift Kits deliver precision and efficiency

  • Ensures techs start every shift with standardised and clean set of brushes
  • Designed to clean up to 70% of devices in a shift
  • Simplifies adherence to standard operating procedures
  • Streamlines process for choosing the right brush
  • Easier inventory management with potential for SKU reduction
  • No kitting fees
  • Available for both general and specialty instruments

Shift Kits ensure that every sterilisation technician begins their shift with a clean slate, literally. More than a set of tools; they represent a paradigm shift in sterile processing. By harmonizing simplification with standardisation, these kits mark a significant leap in upholding consistent cleanliness and streamlining workflows. This approach not only enhances the efficiency of sterile processing but also fosters a sense of confidence and uniformity across the board.


Additional information

Pack Names

Shift kit 235, Shift kit 246, Shift kit 235 white, Shift kit 246 blue, Shift kit 246 black