GreenGuard recycled corner guards

GreenGuard’s divert waste away from landfill from healthcare facilities and manufactured into an item that these healthcare facilities can use. They are manufactured in Tasmania in a State-of-the-art facility.
The GreenGuards are manufactured using hospital blue wrap, curtains and other clean polypropylene sourced from healthcare facilities such as jugs, gallipots and kidney dishes collected from Tasmanian Hospitalshospital blue wrap (kimguard), curtains and other clean polypropylene sourced from healthcare facilities such as jugs, gallipots and kidney dishes collected from Tasmanian Hospitals. These items are shredded into small pellets which are used in manufacturing the GreenGuard corners using injection moulding
Key features:
- Developed in consultation with hospital sterilisation departments in Tasmania
- Elevates the tray to allow optimised circulation of sterilant
- Has a clean, nicely rounded shape with no sharp edges
- Lattice base drains accumulated condensation
- Reprocessing and washing of GreenGuards is not required which reduces time for staff preparing trays
- Manufactured from 100% recycled #5 Polypropylene
- Fully recyclable via co-mingled recycling within the hospital or the GreenMed Keep Me In The Loop® resource recovery program
- Single use item which reduces costs associated with losing high value reusable guards
To find out more information and trial the recycled corner guards, please contact your Account Manager